
Aplication of computers | Neb class 12 computer science 2024


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Computer play very vital role in every sector of life. Computers are applied or used everywhere such as at home, at school, at working place, at entertainment etc. In daily life a large number of activities are dependent on computers and their technology. In most of the fields where computer is playing very important role for different purpose. Some of them are:



-Education is the process of learning and knowledge developing through instructions. Many educators prefer to deliver their lectures by computer-based presentations or multimedia programs. The computer assisted learning (CAL), computer-based training (CBT) or presentation is also called computer aided instruction (CAI). In this method, computer is used as an aid to teach the students in the classroom. The instructions of particular subject are received from the instructions that use a program presented by a computer as learning medium. The web-based training (WBT) is another type of CBT that uses internet technology. It means that many websites provides online education. A lot of materials on different topics are available on these websites.


Computer has also played a very important role in entertainment for different levels of people. Computer has become need of humans for entertainment at their home, like playing video games,. Similarly, software is available to see movies and to listen music. Today the movie files and famous songs are mostly available on CDs or on the web at very low cost. We can listen music while work on the computer. On the web, we can view fine art images in online museums and galleries. Some artists sell their works online and others display them for our viewing pleasure.



E-commerce (electronic commerce) or e-trade or e-business is a financial business transaction conducted electronically between business partners over computer network (such as on Internet). With e-commerce, transactions can occur instantaneously and globally. This saves time for participants on both ends. . There are several types of e-commerce like collaborative commerce business-to-business, consumer- to-consumer, mobile commerce etc.

Mostly used:

i.E-mail: It is the most popular service through which we can electronically send and receive messages anywhere in the world. The spoken messages are sent and received through voice mail.


ii.Video Conferencing: Video conference is a meeting between two or more people residing at various places. They can watch and talk with each other. They use a network to participate in a video conference with the help of a video camera, a microphone, speaker and software (special video conferencing software).

iii. Electronic Shopping (E-Shopping): Many businesses now have websites that allow internet users to buy goods or services electronically. Shopping can take place using a computer at home, or at a cybercafé. The e-shop can be anywhere in the world and it remains open 24 hours a day on the web.


Health Care

Nearly every area of the medical field uses computers, such as laboratories, researches, scanning, monitoring, pharmacy, telemedicine etc., which are helping the doctors to diagnose diseases and many other purposes. Uses of computers in the medical field are pointed below:


i.                 Maintaining Patient History and Other Records: The complete bio-data as well as medical history of patient is recorded into the computer before check up of patient. The complete medical history (current and previous) is delivered to the related doctor for the check up of patient. In addition to patient history, other information about doctors, medicines, chemicals and equipments is also maintained. It is very easy and efficient way to organize records than paper-based records. Any information about patients, doctors, equipments etc. can be retrieved very easily and quickly. In hospitals, mostly all the medical wards are interconnected through network. So, if a patient is allocated a specific ward but being examined by a consultant and receiving treatment in other areas (wards) of the hospital, his detail can be viewed and updated at any terminal on the hospital's LAN/WAN network.


ii. Patient Monitoring: These are very expensive and are used to monitor the patient continuously. Thus computers are normally used in the following medical units of hospitals.

ICU (Intensive Care Unit)

Operation Theater

 . Medical Ward

BCG (Electrocardiograph)

iii. Diagnosis of Diseases: One common use of computer in hospital is to scan the body of patient. A special scanner is used for this purpose. A scanner sends electromagnetic rays through a patient body and sensors detect that how much patient's body have affected to any type of cancer or disease. A CAT scanner takes many X-rays around the body. As the scanner passes over the patient, it displays and image of bone and tissue structure of patient on a computer screen. 

iv. Telemedicine: Another improvement in the medical field is the telemedicine. In telemedicine, we can access medical care centers and doctors located at distant places using computers videoconferencing.Many websites also provide up-to-date medical, and fitness-related information. The computer is used in all branches of science and engineering to collect and analyze data. Scientists also use the internet to collect the latest information around the world. Today, it is impossible to carry out scientific research without the use of computers. 


In agriculture field also, computer is playing very important role. The agricultural scientists are using computer for analyzing the agricultural data.  The farmers also use computer to get information about crops and to calculate bills and cost per acre, advertise their products and to get information about crops market prices.


Energy companies use computers to locate or search oil, coal, natural gas and uranium. Similarly electric power companies use computers to monitor the power networks. 


These also help in monitoring temperature, pressure, check the quality and accuracy and measurement needed in the manufacturing process.In industry, robots are used to perform most of the activities as mentioned above. A robot is an automatic programmable machine that moves and performs mechanical tasks. It means that a robot acts like human beings. It can per continuously without any break, at very high accuracy than human. Robots can als of applications such as:

  • Assembling & spray-painting cars
  • Lifting of heavy equipments, power cables etc.
  • Testing blood samples
  • Performing experiments in artificial satellites and radioactive environment etc


